I'm a software developer with more than 15 years of experience on web applications development and back-end systems. In my free time, I like to study new technologies, books, music production and game dev.
Software Developer.
- Birthday: October, 18th 1975
- Website: www.andrebarreto.net
- Phone: +55 27 992978718
- City: Curitiba, Brasil
- Age: 46
- Degree: Postgrade
- Email: alab.home@gmail.com
- Freelance: Available
My main programming language is Java, but I also have experience in Kotlin and PHP. I've been working with Spring Framework (Boot, Web, Security, Batch, Integration), Micro services, Message Queue, REST API's and SQL and NoSQL databases.
Java 80%
Kotlin 60%
Spring Framework 75%
PHP 55%
Angular 55%
HTML/Javascript 65%
JSP/Servlets 70%
System analysis 75%
System Integration 60%
SQL Databases 75%
UML 80%
Mongo DB 60%
Rabbit MQ 70%
Redis 65%
TDD/Unit Tests/Integration 75%
Agile/SCRUM 75%
Demo projects, full applications, proof of concepts and games I made in my free time or for study purpose.
- All
- Demo apps
- Games
- Enterprise apps
Account API
- Category: Demo App
- Description: API to demonstrate Unit Tests with Spring Boot
- Technologies: Java 11, Spring Boot, JUnit5
- Source Code: GitHub
Depreciation API
- Category: Enterprise
- Description: Calculates product depreciation value using brazilian government standards.
- Technologies: Java 11, Kotlin, Spring Boot, Git Lab pipelines, Heroku
- Source Code: GitLab
- Online Doc: Swagger UI
User Base API
- Category: Demo App
- Description: User API using Spring Security and Mongo DB.
- Technologies: Java 11, Spring Boot, Mongo DB
- Source Code: GitHub
Car Leasing
- Category: Demo App
- Description: Microservice car leasing application ready for cloud with Netflix OSS and clean architecture design.
- Technologies: Java 11, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, MongDB, NetFlix OSS
- Source Code: Gitlab
RGB StarFighter
- Category: Games
- Description: Arcade style Shoot 'em up with retro graphics and custom music.
- Technologies: Game Maker, Piskel, Ableton Live
- Download: Itch.io
Meu Bairro
- Category: Enterprise
- Description: Application for communities management
- Technologies: Java 11, Kotlin, Spring, MongoDB
- Source Code: Site URL
As a freelancer you can contact me for:
Private lessons for basic and advanced programming topics: logic, OOP, System Design, etc.